Vom 27. Mai bis zum 09. Juni fand der jährliche Gegenbesuch unserer Partnerschulen aus Bowling Green (Kentucky) statt. Acht Jugendliche nutzten die Chance, gemeinsam mit ihren Gastfamilien sowie Lehrkräften eine spannende Zeit mit abwechslungsreichem Programm in Deutschland zu durchleben: Gasometer Oberhausen, Fußballmuseum Dortmund, Stadterkundung Werne und als Highlight ein Kurztrip nach Hamburg.
Sie lernten Deutschland so in zahlreichen Facetten kennen und nehmen neben zahlreichen Souvenirs auch den Wunsch mit nach Hause, bald wieder nach Deutschland und ihren neuen Freunden zurückzukehren.
Drei Austauschschüler haben ihre Zeit in Deutschland zusammengefasst:
During my time in Germany as an American exchange student I have learned so much about the history of Germany. I have also been able to explore many different cities such as Oberhausen, Münster, Düsseldorf, Dortmund, Hamburg, and I stayed in Werne and attended the Anne Frank Gymnasium school. During my time exploring Germany I have visited many castles, cathedrals, and many museums such as the Dortmund Soccer Museum where I learned about the history of BVB. During my stay with Adrian Pietras and his family they have provided amazing hospitality and really made sure I got to see the amazing parts of this country.
– Harrison Shaff
During my time in Germany my favorite things I’ve done in Werne have been when we went to Schützenfest and when we walked around downtown. I really like how Werne is all really close together and you can walk or bike to anything nearby. I also really enjoyed the food my host family made for me! It was very tasty and stuff that I have never had yet. I enjoyed going to the Hamburg Dungeon and learning about the city while also having fun.
– Braxton McCoy
One of my favorite things I’ve done while living in Germany is visiting Berlin. We went to a lot of historic structures in Berlin, such as the Brandenburg Gate and the former location of the Berlin Wall. My favorite part about the Anne Frank Gymnasium is how much freedom students have throughout class and how lengthy the breaks are afterward.
– Anson Davis